We Can Handle the Truth
The last transaction I closed came from a referral
… from Clients very happy with my work for them, done about 3½ years ago.
During these years in real estate, I reckon that Clients and prospects will not refer you if they don’t feel comfortable in how you will handle those referrals. Undoubtedly, they want to make sure you will protect their confidentiality, and you will treat the connections professionally – so they won’t regret making the introduction.
Here’s my pledge to you:
There’s something I want to run by you. Many of my clients like to introduce me and the work I do to others whom they care about. When that opportunity presents itself, it would be good for you to know how I handle introductions, so that everyone will feel comfortable.
I don’t like to contact people without them knowing a little bit about who I am and why I’m reaching out. I don’t like to surprise people and make them wonder, ‘Why did my friend give my number out to this person?’ Make sense?
I’ve found that working through introductions is a much better way to proceed for everyone.
So, each time you identify someone you think should know about the work I do, you and I can craft an introduction that will feel comfortable to you and to them, and perhaps pique their interest in hearing from me. How does that sound?
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Any content of this website and/or blog may not be reproduced without express written permission from Harris First
The views and opinions expressed by Harris First in this commentary are his own, and not of Oakwyn Realty
We do the work that actually works!
Who do you know who might be worried or unsettled about the financial impact of COVID-19, or someone who should just know about the work that we do? I’m never too busy to see if I might become a valuable resource for them.