Are you hanging on the edge of your seat?
Door knocking again, with my good friend Michelle
In front of a multi-million dollar “wow” house, something you don’t see every day
Hearing a war of words through the door, I knocked extra-loudly
A somewhat disoriented man opens the door:
“What can I do for you?” he thundered, clearly upset about something
“Are you the owner of this house?” I said politely
“Wow! You’re just in time! My wife and I are settling this very question right now!”
In times of uncertainty, we focus on the fundamentals
We have a lot of local experience with this and can help you get out of that corner
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Harris First | Call Direct 778-320-3782 or Text message | Never too busy for You
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Any content of this website and/or blog may not be reproduced without express written permission from Harris First
The views and opinions expressed by Harris First in this commentary are his own, and not of Oakwyn Realty
We do the work that actually works!
Who do you know who might be worried or unsettled about the financial impact of these days, or someone who should just know about the work that we do? I’m never too busy to see if I might become a valuable resource for them.
What do you think? Leave a comment below. Let’s continue the conversation. HARRIS